Terrific Turtles

What You'd Need:

Child safety scissors

Styrofoam tray (get this from your mom!)

Pencil with dull point

White tempera paint

Green or brown construction paper

Black marker

What You Do:
  1. Cut out a large oval from the center of the tray. Pressing down hard, draw a design into the oval.

  2. Dip the oval design into the paint; press, paint side down, onto the marker. Repeat to make more turtle designs. Allow to dry.

  3. Use the marker to outline each turtle's shell, head, legs, eyes, and tail. Wow! Did you make a pattern of turtles?
With Your Friends:

Have a turtle race!
Drape a pillow across your back, and get on your knees. Line up side-by-side. Then, at the sound of "Go!" begin the race. The first "turtle" to cross the finish line wins!

P.S.: Visit our official site at http://little-red-bus.com

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