Brown Bear Puppet

What You Need:

Child safety scissors

White paper plates (1 large, 1 small)

Brown crayon


Brown paper lunch bag

Paper fastener

White craft glue

Wiggly eyes

Brown, black, and red markers

What You Do:
  1. Cut out the bear's nose from the centre of the small paper plate. Cut away the rim from the large paper plate to make the head; cut out paws and ears from the rim. Colour the bear pieces brown.

  2. Put the small circle on top of the large circle. Ask a grown-up to poke a hole through the centers; attach to the flap of the bag with a paper fastener. Tape the bear's paws to the edge of the flap and the ears to the top of the large circle.

  3. Glue on the wiggly eyes. Use the markers to draw the bear's mouth, eyebrows, and bow tie. Put your hand inside the bag to make the bear move.

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