Tissue-Paper Sun Catchers

What You Need:

White craft glue

Styrofoam tray


Tissue paper (of several colours)

Child safety scissors

Hole punch


What You Do:
  1. Mis the glue with a few drops of water in the bottom of the tray. Spread out the glue mixture with the paintbrush.

  2. Tear off pieces of tissue paper and press into the glue. Continue layering the tissue in the glue until the bottom of the tray is covered and each piece of the tissue is moist with the glue mixture. Allow to dry overnight. (bummer, I know)

  3. Peel the sheet of tissue off the tray. Use scissors to cut out tissue-paper shapes you like. Punch a hole in the top of each shape and thread with ribbon. Hand the sun-catchers in a window.

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