Child safety scissors
Large paper plate
Watercolour paints
Paintbrush & water containers
Hole punch
Plastic drinking straw
Thin yarn, 2 strands
White craft glue
Cotton balls
What You Do:
- Cut away the rim of the paper plate. Cut the centre of the plate in half.
- Use watercolours to paint a rainbow on both sides of one half. Punch a hole in the top of the rainbow.
- Cut the straw in half. Thread the yarn through the hole in the rainbow, and tie it to the centre of the straw.
- Cut out two clouds from the other half of the paper plate. Punch a hole in the top of each cloud. Glue cotton balls onto both sides of each cloud.
- Thread the other piece of yarn through the straw with grown-up help, so that the ends hang down. Tie a cloud to each yarn end. Tie yarn around the middle of the straw to hang the mobile.
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