Rainbow Mobile

What You Need:

Child safety scissors

Large paper plate

Watercolour paints

Paintbrush & water containers

Hole punch

Plastic drinking straw

Thin yarn, 2 strands

White craft glue

Cotton balls

What You Do:
  1. Cut away the rim of the paper plate. Cut the centre of the plate in half.

  2. Use watercolours to paint a rainbow on both sides of one half. Punch a hole in the top of the rainbow.

  3. Cut the straw in half. Thread the yarn through the hole in the rainbow, and tie it to the centre of the straw.

  4. Cut out two clouds from the other half of the paper plate. Punch a hole in the top of each cloud. Glue cotton balls onto both sides of each cloud.

  5. Thread the other piece of yarn through the straw with grown-up help, so that the ends hang down. Tie a cloud to each yarn end. Tie yarn around the middle of the straw to hang the mobile.

We're found at http://little-red-bus.com

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